Our Packages

Explore our carefully crafted packages designed to rejuvenate your body, mind,
and spirit, addressing specific health concerns with the wisdom of Ayurveda.

Our Packages

Revitalize Your Body and Mind with Our Treatments

Anti-aging therapy Package

For majority of people, old age is a nightmare. There are common notions about the old age when people at large loose a control on their body; and persistent fatigue and weakening of mind and body make further ambitions in life prohibitive.

Rejuvenation Therapy Package

Hence Ayurveda’s impetus is to increase one’s immunity power and prevent further onslaught of diseases. Due importance is provided for the elimination of impurities from human body, before and during the course of Ayurvedic treatment.

Detoxification Treatment Package

Collection of various impurities inside human body causes various diseases, is one of the acclaimed doctrines of Ayurveda. When not properly eliminated, impurities like feces collect in the body and when body fails to assimilate them, they lead to different kinds of diseases.

Weight Loss Treatment Program

Obesity or excess weight is one of the common problems on a global scale. For most people, having extra pounds is an appearance issue but in reality, it is way more than that. Overweight leads to a number of health problems such as diabetes, High blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, insomnia, joints pain, respiratory problems and a lot more.

Stress Management Package

Stress has become a major health concern with the advent of a fast-paced life in a competitive environment with a sedentary life. Stress is a complex concept that include both mental and physiological components. Heavy pressure to mind leads to stress. Without peace of mind, we can't enjoy all the good things in life.